Ektar & Rodinal…Does It Work?

We all know that Kodak’s Ektar 100 is a C41 film, but does it work with B&W developer? The answer is yes. Now you may be asking why would anyone do this, it’s a color film not a B&W film. Well, I just wanted to give it a try. Sometimes curiosity gets the best of me.
I have a backlog of film that needs to be developed and I don’t have any fresh C41 chems ready to use. I’m pretty much done with the B&W but the color film? Not so much. I grabbed a roll of Ektar 100 to give it a try. I felt that if I developed the roll in Rodinal and did a semi stand it would give me the best chance of producing anything. After all, this is my first time developing Ektar in a B&W developer. So I decided to roll with Rodinal 1+100 with one tank flip halfway through.
When I pulled the negatives out of the tank, they were still orange as if it had been developed in C41 chemicals. I was delighted to see it worked and I was very curious how the negatives would scan. Now as far as scanning, I use my Nikon D750 for DSLR scanning. Combined with Negative Supply’s negative carriers, I had no worries with the scanning. I did my thing and converted the negatives via NLP. Success! Seeing these negatives put a big smile on my face.
Some of you may be wondering….Jr, would you do this again? Sure. If I didn’t have any C41 chems ready to use, I wouldn’t hesitate. The results were very pleasing and the tones were solid. If you’re curious, give it a try. You may love the results or you may not. One way to find out. Anyways…thank you for getting this far and below I am attaching a few of the Ektar/Rodinal photos. Enjoy!