A New Year…2022 Has Arrived.

2021 has come and it has gone. For many, it was a rough year. So cheers to new beginnings and let’s welcome in 2022. I hope it’s a good year for you on a personal level and on a photographic level. Cheers!
Last year I made “resolutions” and I’ll be honest, I didn’t follow through with them. I am not going to use the “I didn’t have time” excuse because there is always time. Instead I’ll use the “I’m scatter brained” excuse. Sounds better right?
Anyways…2022 will be different. I know what I want to do. I know where I want to grow in my world of photography. I don’t want to commit so much to what gear but more on what subjects. More of my family, more of strangers, more of myself. You get the point. I feel if I could focus on those particular things, everything else will fall in place.
Surprisingly, I have been doing pretty decent with my blogging. I’ve gotten a lot of positive feedback and I feel as I keep learning, the writing will be better. So thank you all for the support.
So please stay tuned so you can witness my growth in 2022 and beyond. I would love to witness yours as well. So if you have a blog, please let me know so I can follow. I know this piece isn’t alot of writing but I wanted to keep it short and simple. So cheers to you all, let’s do some great things with our cameras in 2022!