The Widelux F6 meets Tri-X 400

Summer has arrived and it seems like things are finally getting back to normal. Places are opening back up, people are coming out, and fairs and festivals are welcoming all. For some, the past year has been not so good for taking photos. For others, it has been great. Me? I don’t think I have ever shot so much film, which is a good thing I suppose. I did walk away from 35mm and go with 120 for the most part. With my recent pickup of the Widelux F6, it has sucked me back in to 35mm. No complaints here. Anyways… I have been working through different films with the Widelux to see what I like best.

Recently, I loaded the Widelux with some Tri-X and headed out to the local fair at the Speedway. I had three things in mind that I wanted to accomplish on this quick outing. One, see how the Widelux would get along with Tri-X 400. Two, figure out composition in the panoramic format. (The Widelux is not one of those cameras that have the %100 viewfinder). Three, compare shooting styles….looking through the viewfinder VS using the bubble level on top of the camera.

Well, the Widelux and Tri-X got along just fine. I mean, Tri-X IS a great film right? I did shoot it at box speed due to limited apertures and shutter speeds on the Widelux. Knowing that Tri-X has good exposure latitude, I had no worries. So I walked around and did my thing. I debated on how to develop the roll so I went with Xtol 1+1. The contrast, the shadows, the tones were all spot on. So yea, I was very happy about that. The composition I struggled with for the most part. There are a few photos I really like but quite a few that I feel I could have done better with. I need to get closer, I need to do better with the composition, and I need to tell more of a story (if possible). This is definitely a work in progress for me. Now looking through the viewfinder and using the bubble level on top, you definitely can tell what is what. I didn’t have a tripod with me (not sure they would even allow me to bring one in) so everything was handheld. I can see how the bubble level is useful but I think for me, using the viewfinder will be my way of shooting the Widelux.

I really enjoyed walking around and shooting the roll of Tri-X. Nobody bothered me, I didn’t get any weird looks, I was just in my own world. I forgot to mention, I also brought my Holga along. I ended up shooting some FP4 and Tri-X in that camera. I haven’t developed those rolls yet but I will definitely make sure to share what I captured. Anyways… this Widelux journey continues. I attached a few photos from the roll. Enjoy!

Widelux F6/Tri-X 400/Xtol 1+1

Widelux F6/Tri-X 400/Xtol 1+1

Widelux F6/Tri-X 400/Xtol 1+1

Widelux F6/Tri-X 400/Xtol 1+1

Widelux F6/Tri-X/Xtol 1+1

Widelux F6/Tri-X/Xtol 1+1

Widelux F6/Tri-X 400/Xtol 1+1

Widelux F6/Tri-X 400/Xtol 1+1

Widelux F6/Tri-X 400/Xtol 1+1

Widelux F6/Tri-X 400/Xtol 1+1

Widelux F6/Tri-X 400/Xtol 1+1

Widelux F6/Tri-X 400/Xtol 1+1