Kodak Gold 200….First Impressions

One exciting thing about the film community is when new film stocks are introduced. We have that feeling of a kid in a candy shop. We can’t wait to get our hands on it. Well, at least for some of us.

When Kodak announced the release of Kodak Gold 200 in 120 format, I was very intrigued. I’m not much of a Kodak Gold shooter in 35mm but 120? I’d definitely give it a try. We all know what happens when a film first comes out, we have to wait awhile before we can get our hands on a roll or two. Unless you’re willing to pay the crazy prices of those trying to make a buck, which I will not do. So I waited patiently.

Fast forward and I got my hands on the Kodak Gold 200. I wasn’t sure when or how I would shoot it, but I was excited. The time finally came when I visited a small(ish) town close by with my Mamiya C330. I know some of you have or probably will shoot the film at ISO 200. Me? I have a tendency to over expose color film a little. I just like the results I get so I stick with it.

Anyways…I decided to rate the film at 100 and it did not let me down. I found a couple of old cars and we did a portrait session. So what do I think of Kodak Gold 200 in 120? I like it. It performed well and I definitely see why it’s a favorite of film shooters. There is a little bit of grain, but to me I think the grain makes it look good. The colors are pleasing to the eye and there is some sharpness. So overall, I dig it. Is it my favorite? Nope. That would still be Portra 160. Have you shot the new Kodak Gold 200 in 120? What are YOUR thoughts? Attached are some of the photos from the first roll, enjoy!