Welcome To TikTok…

TikTok…I’m sure you all have heard of this app. It’s a place that my wife has been pressuring me to join since she joined and I happily declined. I always told her the time wasn’t there and I knew I would get sucked into scrolling video after video after video. Well…I caved.

Why did I cave? Simple. I have given up Facebook for the time being and I deleted Twitter. This freed up some time. Sooooo I downloaded the app and set up my account. Let’s just say I wish I would have done this sooner.

I’m not on there to make silly videos or how to cook videos. Actually, I am learning that it possibly could be a good place for me to share short film photography tutorial videos. I have tried it on IG with little to no interaction or feedback. With TikTok, it seems as if the right tools are in place and the algorithm can work in a photographer’s favor.

Of course, there are things like making videos the right amount of length for potential viewers, using the right hashtags, posting content at the right time, etc. I’ll learn that the more I use TikTok. Remember it’s not about becoming famous, it’s about sharing what I know. If this knowledge can help other film shooters, then the effort and time is worth it. But so far? I’m enjoying TikTok. I thought I would be spending hours scrolling through whatever videos they decide to share for eyes but that’s not the case. In fact, I really don’t spend much time there and I’m okay with that. I create the videos, I do scroll through the videos from the film shooters I follow and I comment if it pertains to the video but that’s about it. So is TikTok a good place for film shooters like you and I? I’m thinking so…I hope so. Anyways…if you’re interested in seeing my TikTok content, I’m under the same username as IG: @wyattshootsfilm. Hope to see you there!