CatLABS X Film 320….Four Rolls Later.

If you haven’t heard yet, CatLABS released a new film recently. It is CatLABS X Film 320. It comes in 120 and 35mm AND it is under $7 per roll, which is a pretty good darn price these days. I bought a few rolls to get a feel for the film. My previous blog was about the first roll, but this one I am writing after four rolls.

Four rolls later and here we are. You’re probably thinking why is he writing about a film he just wrote about right? Lol I understand. However…I just wanted to share how I’ve been shooting this film and how I’ve been developing this film. Along with my final thoughts on it.

It was important to me that I shoot and develop the film in different lighting, different cameras, develop the rolls different just to see what I can get. CatLABS provides some info on how to shoot and develop, but there are many more developers not listed.

The first roll I shot with my Mamiya C330 @250 and developed it in Xtol stock. Very contrasty yet sharp. The grain was minimal and overall the film had a beautiful look. The second roll I shot with my Rolleiflex 2.8D @200 and developed it in homemade 510-Pyro semi stand. Contrast was spot on, sharpness was there, but the tones. Beautiful. The third roll I shot with my Pentax 67 @250 and developed it in homemade Barry Thornton. Contrast was held back but overall very nice tones. The final roll I shot with my Mamiya RB67 @200 and developed it in Xtol 1+1. CatLABS recommended a 15 min development, next roll I’m going to scale it back to 14 min. The 15 min overcooked it just a tad IMO. Anyways..grain? Didn’t see any. Sharpness and tones were gorgeous.

Now you know how I went about shooting and developing the first four rolls. You may be asking what process is my favorite so far right? That’s tough. I really like the @200 in Xtol 1+1 BUT the @200 in 510-Pyro semi stand had it all. So I’m going to pick the 510-Pyro semi stand. Remember this is a semi stand development. I have yet to try a normal development with 510-Pyro but I’m sure that will happen eventually.

Below I am sharing a couple of photos from each camera/developer. It will give you a better idea visually. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out. Find me on IG @wyattshootsfilm

Mamiya RB67 @200/Xtol 1+1

Mamiya RB67 @200/Xtol 1+1

Rolleiflex 2.8D @200/510-Pyro Semi-Stand

Rolleiflex 2.8D @200/510-Pyro Semi-Stand

Pentax 67 @250/Barry Thornton

Pentax 67 @250/Barry Thornton

Mamiya C330 @250/XTol Stock

Mamiya C330 @250/XTol Stock